Wednesday 17 January 2018


Common name: Bamboo, Common bamboo • Hindi: Bans बांस • Manipuri: ৱা Wa • Malayalam: മുലാ Mula • Tamil: மூங்கில் moongil
Botanical name: Bambusa vulgaris
Family: Poaceae (grass family)
Geographical distribution:-Gujarat, West bengal, Sikkim, Assam, Meghalaya
When the bamboo flowers, famine, death and destruction will soon follow, goes a traditional saying in Mizoram, the tiny hill state in north-east India. Beliefs apart, anyone familiar with bamboo has probably heard that, when bamboo flowers it dies! Bamboos are giant, woody grasses which grow to several full lengths, full diameter, culms ("stems") each year. A single bamboo clump can grow up to 12 inches (30 cm) in diameter in its lifetime. Bamboo is the most diverse group of plants in the grass family, and the most primitive sub-family. It is distinguished by a woody culm, complex branching and infrequent flowering. It has a tropical and subtropical distribution, reaching elevations as high as 13,123 feet (4,000 meters) in the Himalayas and parts of China.
Medicinal uses:  Bamboo leaves have antioxidant properties. Bamboo is a low calorie product that is high in dietary fiber. Women suffering from menstrual irregularities or disorders can find benefit through the intake of bamboo shoots that help to regulate the cycle. It can also ease heavy bleeding. It treats wounds and ulcers due to its antibacterial properties. Bamboo shoots are good for the stomach and can cure mild symptoms like indigestion and diarrhea. Studies have indicated that consuming bamboo shoots can reduce cholesterol and thus, ensure a healthier life. It has ability to control blood pressure due to the abundance of potassium. Bamboo is also used in aromatherapy. A lot of cosmetic products integrate bamboo ingredients for facial and hair care.


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